New Year, New Adventure
So here we are in the year 2020. New year, new adventure. As last year unfolded and the unknown became known, it was amazing to see the direction life had taken. I was also grateful for it. Embracing Joseph into our family and our hearts (see The Influence of East Asia on my Life: The Taiwanese Influence) had us unintentionally adopting the slogan “Hate has no home here”. East Asia has a home here in general. Taiwan has a home here in particular. Joseph has a home here most of all.
Last Year’s Adventure Into Taiwan

And through Joseph and his family, the wonder of East Asia became more than an influence. Wandering my way through the amazing beauty of Taiwan and meeting its wonderful people transformed it to a tangible reality. A month’s immersion in the culture I am drawn to and surrounding myself with its people was an amazing experience.
What draws me to this? I’m Western. It’s what I was born into and what shaped me. Some people, both Western and Eastern, think it’s crazy that any of this is so interesting to me. For reasons beyond my comprehension, there’s a love in my heart for East Asia and its people. I can’t explain it and I’ve stopped trying. I believe it’s divinely instilled. It is what it is. I’m glad for it.
New Year, New Adventure Into Family
I have an idea of the direction I’m headed this year, but the unknown is still waiting to be known. Being blessed to live through the adventure of another year, I look forward to what that unknown will be. I love the shimmer of possibility, the lure of friends not yet met, the unanticipated opportunities.
It’s going to be crazy, to be sure. It already is. There’s a wedding to plan, and the moving of several households going on. Things will likely go sideways at some point. I’m sure I’ll roll my eyes more than once over it all! But the assurance of God’s blessings and guidance over it all keeps me calm and centered. I’m ready to take on that which He feels I’m capable. I look forward to sharing the adventure with you!
Happy New Year! And Here We Go…
So strap in. The new year is here. Happy New Year, everyone! God’s blessings on you all. May health and happiness and every good thing be yours in the days to come.