East Asian Beauty

June 12, 2019 Off By admin

I have always thought East Asians are one of the most beautiful ethnic groups. In my opinion, the shape of their eyes, lift of their cheekbones, smoothness of their skin, and darkness of their hair make them easy to look at.

Image by StockSnap from Pixabay

A Random Act of Kindness

Today I was witness to how beautiful they can be in another way. I was on the 648 bus into the Xindian District when it stopped to pick up a rain soaked older gentleman. The poor man had obviously walked in the downpour of this rainy season day to get to the bus stop. He sat two seats down from me and I resolved to give him my umbrella when exiting the bus. My daughter was carrying an umbrella and I could share hers.

It never came to that, though. A young Taiwanese woman got up and came to the back of the bus to ask this man to take her umbrella. Their Mandarin was far too quick for me to understand, but I didn’t need the words. This young woman’s actions spoke far more clearly than her words.

The World Is A Better Place

The young woman exited the bus and huddled umbrella-less under a small awning to await the transfer bus. I wish I knew her name and could give her credit, but I have a feeling she wouldn’t want that anyway. Her beautiful and selfless act has all the more meaning because of her anonymity. Her random act of kindness to a stranger in need has made the world a better place. I’m glad I flew to the other side of this big planet for more than just sightseeing. Now I can say I have seen the true beauty of the Taiwanese people.

Discussion: What act of kindness can you perform today in your corner of the world?