Category: Travel MyTaiwanderings

My Taiwanderings through the literal world of East Asia.

A Piece of My Heart Lives in Taiwan

I’ve tried writing this particular piece many times since returning from my adventure on the other side of the world. Why has it been so hard to nail word to page? Why have I avoided it? If I’m honest, it’s because a piece of my heart now lives in Taiwan. I struggle with the fact…

By admin September 10, 2019 Off

Taiwan’s Urban Wilderness

One thing that amazes me about Taipei and New Taipei City is how closely urban and wilderness coexist with one another. I’ve started calling it Taiwan’s Urban Wilderness. These cities sit in a bowl formation ringed by mountains on the north end of the island. The transition from relatively buildable ground to the steep side…

By admin June 17, 2019 Off

East Asian Beauty

I have always thought East Asians are one of the most beautiful ethnic groups. In my opinion, the shape of their eyes, lift of their cheekbones, smoothness of their skin, and darkness of their hair make them easy to look at. A Random Act of Kindness Today I was witness to how beautiful they can…

By admin June 12, 2019 Off

Welcome to Taiwan

Two days ago I unfolded myself from a 13 hour flight and walked into the humid heat that is summer in Taiwan. At 7:30 pm, and with the sun having set an hour prior, my exit from the airport still felt like walking into a sauna. Welcome to Taiwan! Welcome to Taiwan, Little Raccoon! And…

By admin June 9, 2019 Off

Taiwandering to Taiwan

Taiwan or Bust Taiwan. The other side of the planet. The flip side. The opposite side. The converse, inverse, and obverse of my little universe. Said little universe is about to get a lot bigger, because Taiwan is where Chloe and I are heading. I was hoping that typing it out made it less surreal,…

By admin May 4, 2019 Off