Category: Language MyTaiwanderings

If I’m learning how to speak, read, or write an East Asian language, I’ll recount all the joys and trials here.

Running on The Rails

Photographs by Chloe Glacier Ridge Metro Park is a place I love to go for several reasons, not the least of which is the 12 station obstacle course. Some of my favorite stations include rings, tunnel crawl, over-the-wall, over-under, and the cargo net. I can usually do most of the stations competently. The zig-zag balance…

By admin February 23, 2019 Off

The Polish Mandarin

Illustrations by Joseph I’m half Polish, three generations removed from my great grandparents’ immigration to the United States, so naturally I decided I needed to learn to speak……Mandarin. Yes, it would make logical sense for someone of my ancestry to learn Polish. It would be a completely understandable, though erroneous, assumption that my coming from…

By admin February 16, 2019 Off