Category: Food MyTaiwanderings

From what’s made in my own kitchen to what I find outside of it, if it’s East Asian and I try it, it’s going to show up here!

A Dinner of…….Burdock Root?

Turning Over My Kitchen… As I type this, Chloe and Joseph are in the kitchen making dinner. Anyone who regularly cooks knows what a treat it is to have someone spell you from the job. Even if cooking is your thing, having a break is nice. Better still when you’re getting a meal that is…

By admin February 2, 2019 Off

Lost in the Asian Supermarket

Of Music and Food One of my favorite bands of the 1980s is The Clash, a quirky punk band from England. Rock the Casbah is the song they’re most known for, but I identify with their lesser known Lost in the Supermarket. This is probably because my resume doesn’t include experience rocking out in public…

By admin January 26, 2019 Off