About Me

So what do I do when I’m not MyTaiwandering? If you’re on this page, I guess you want to know, so let me let me help with that.

My name is Dana, and going on adventures with my family is one of my favorite things, ever. In fact, they are the greatest, most rewarding, sometimes trying, adventure I’ve ever been on. Being a wife and mother first taught me to look outside of myself and prepped me for this current endeavor of meeting new people, embracing new ideas, cultures, and mindsets, and then blogging about what I find. Speaking of blogging, I’m also pretty fond of writing and am an avid reader.

I am a sucker for Jane Austen’s plucky heroines and witty dialogue as well as the gothic backdrop and taciturn or persevering characters of Charlotte Bronte’s Jane Eyre. Ray Bradbury’s prophetic Fahrenheit 451 and anything by Stephen R. Lawhead are also high on my list of literary favorites.

Inline skating, which I consider the most fun a person can have this side of childhood, has been a passion of mine since 1993. I’m never happier than when I’m flying down a hill, preferably without crashing, though I have the scars to prove that’s happened a time or two.

CrossFit is my other athletic pursuit. I’ve been doing WODs (workouts of the day) and happily lifting heavy stuff since 2011. My second favorite sound in the world is a heavy barbell being dropped onto the rubber matting (my most favorite sound is a baby’s belly laugh). Though I still enjoy throwing a pile of weight on a barbell and moving it, getting older, and hopefully wiser, has shown me that living to fight another day is the name of the workout game now.

A few of my other favorites are fabulous, sparkly shoes, color streaks in my hair, decorating a room within an inch of its life for any occasion, and, most recently, learning to knit.