A Piece of My Heart Lives in Taiwan

September 10, 2019 Off By admin

I’ve tried writing this particular piece many times since returning from my adventure on the other side of the world. Why has it been so hard to nail word to page? Why have I avoided it? If I’m honest, it’s because a piece of my heart now lives in Taiwan. I struggle with the fact that I can’t be in more than one place at a time. I can’t be with all the people I consider important in those places. Writing made me think of where I couldn’t be or who I couldn’t be with. The words brought sadness.

Stand by Me. Image by Julia Kitchen of Sincerely the Kitchens.

Scattered Pieces

The longer I live, the more places I long to be and people I long to be with. I wish to be in Costa Rica with my cousin and her husband, my second set of parents. Or in France where my French sister, Isabelle, resides. I’d love to be in the presence of cherished family members and friends in Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Florida, Alabama, Tennessee, Arizona, Texas. Pieces of my heart scattered everywhere. Now Taiwan and those dear to me there are added to that list.

Adding Family

Who can look down the road of their life and imagine the people who will come into it? I didn’t start this journey or blog thinking I’d be adding to my family, yet that’s exactly what has happened.

The Engagement. Image by Julia Kitchen of Sincerely the Kitchens.

I couldn’t have guessed I’d find family in a country on the opposite side of the globe. Or know I could have so much in common with a family steeped in the culture and language of Taiwan. Yet I do and it amazes me. In my childhood, I didn’t see the differences as much as I saw that which unifies. (The Influence of East Asia on My Life) I still see that way. My heart recognizes and accepts its own, no matter where they are.

Walk by My Side. Image by Julia Kitchen of Sincerely the Kitchens.

Pieces Equal Blessings

Now it’s time to reflect back on my month in Taiwan with happiness about what I’ve gained. It’s time to look forward to when I will be there with my favorite people again. But most important, I realize I shouldn’t be sad that a piece of my heart lives in Taiwan. Or anywhere else. It’s not a liability to have pieces of my heart scattered around the globe. It’s an immense blessing.

Chloe and Joseph: Into the Future. Image by Julia Kitchen of Sincerely the Kitchens.